Furthering your education might be a personal goal, but it can also help you achieve professional goals. Certain programs, like the Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Administration program at Nunez Community College, offer an ideal mix of learning opportunities with real-world application. Read on to see how this unique (and affordable) program can jumpstart your career in the tourism industry.

Nunez Community College.
What is an HRT Program?
HRT programs, like the one at Nunez Community College, are designed to provide students with skills they’ll use every day on the job. Click here to read up on other local HRT programs.
What Sets the Nunez Community College HRT Program Apart?
Though all of our local HRT programs are well worth exploring, Nunez College recently received a $2.8 million in federal grant funds from the government. These funds have directly boosted the HRT program, creating an emphasis on HRT and other business administration programs as well as entrepreneurship.
Nunez Community College’s location in Chalmette is another draw. It’s centrally accessible not only to and from downtown New Orleans but also facets of the Greater New Orleans area like New Orleans East, the Northshore, and the Westbank. It’s also significantly more affordable than four-year universities: students who attend community college can save more than $60,000 on their education.
At the helm of the Nunez HRT program is Program Manager Erin Schrepfer, who guides each and every student under the idea that “Dreams are Goals Unreached.” Schrepfer helps students reach their goals and their dreams through her unwavering commitment to the HRT program. “This program,” Schrepfer says, “allows me to give back to my community and my industry.”
Other Benefits to the Nunez HRT Program
The Nunez program hones in on industry-based certifications like Certified Guest Service Professional, which demonstrates strong skills in food and beverage, housekeeping, maintenance, human resources and other skills crucial for a functioning hotel. The classroom itself even includes a mock check-in desk and a mock concierge desk to help students feel confident and ready from the get-go in their new position in a hospitality job.
The Nunez HRT program allows students to learn directly from industry veterans, providing a unique mix of scholastic learning with real job experience. As the program guide states, “We sincerely believe that there is opportunity for everyone in this industry. No matter where a student’s strengths lie, there is a career path for them in the hospitality field.”