The Garden District is an all-around gorgeous neighborhood, from the shops lining Magazine Street to the stately homes on Prytania and St. Charles, all punctuated by giant oak trees and fragrant flowering plants. Bounded roughly by Carondelet Street, Magazine Street, Jackson Avenue, and Louisiana Avenue, this area is one of the most historic in the city, and one of the most sought-after neighborhoods to enjoy and explore.

The Garden District Security District provides 24-hour security to the Garden District neighborhood. (Photo courtesy Kevin Oliver on Flickr)
What’s GDSD?
In an effort to keep the area safe and secure at all times, the Garden District Association established the Garden District Security District. This supplemental patrol (NOPD still provides normal coverage for the area) provides 24-hour security and is funded by a property tax in the neighborhood. As a combination of private patrol and off-duty NOPD officers on security detail, the Garden District Security District presents a comprehensive method of keeping our streets safe. In addition to patrolling the area, GDSD officers can assist in emergency situations or escort you safely to your home if necessary.
How They Travel
If you’re in the Garden District, you might notice GDSD driving around in specially marked cars. At times, the security patrol also travels on bikes and even on horseback!
GDSD Resources
Should you need to call GDSD, you’ll be routed to an on-duty patrol officer rather than a dispatcher. In addition to on-call help when needed, GDSD also keeps detailed records available for viewing. You can look at recent reports by week, month, or year to get a sense of neighborhood activity. The website also includes a helpful list of important phone numbers designed to empower residents and visitors and keep them safe.