The local Spelling Bee wrapped up at the end of February, but the journey continues for the Bee’s winner, Alaina McDuffie. McDuffie, an 8th grade student at Clearwood Junior High in Slidell, is headed to Washington, DC, to compete in the national spelling bee on May 22!

Alaina McDuffie, center, receiving her trophy from The Links at the local New Orleans spelling bee. McDuffie will compete in the national competition on May 22.
We spoke with McDuffie directly following her local win back in February. As part of her prize, she received a dictionary. As for her old one? She promptly donated it to her school so other kids could use it to study for the spelling bee and carry on her legacy. Just last year, she was nearly a 3rd place winner at the bee and made it her goal to be the winner this year. She knows the importance of hard work, as does her mom, who works in hospitality and tourism at The Roosevelt Hotel!
While we already congratulated McDuffie on her local win, we sincerely wish her the best of luck in her next step at the Scripps National Spelling Bee. Take a look at what she had to say following her win in New Orleans below.
Q&A With Local Spelling Bee Winner Alaina McDuffie
How did you prepare for the Spelling Bee?
I studied different words with my parents and would look up the definition, how to pronounce the words and would break the words down if I wasn’t sure about them.
How do you think the Spelling Bee will help continue your education?
I think it will help me down the road to show my hard work and dedication and when I am trying to get a job or going to college.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I am not sure yet. I am thinking about being a teacher or maybe a doctor.
How important do you think it is for kids your age to learn how to spell and read?
I think it’s super important. Nowadays, spelling check doesn’t put a big enough weight on the importance of spelling. I think it’s awesome that Spelling Bees are promoting good spelling.
Are you excited to go to Washington D.C. for the national round?
I am ecstatic! I’m so ready to go!
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