NEW ORLEANS WILL Feed Your Body and Soul #TourismIsHow

New Orleans is known around the world for our incredible cuisine. We are known as leaders because we take incredible pride in our flavor and have a style all our own. Our culinary scene is a huge draw for our visitors, helping to boost our number one source of fuel to our economy: tourism. Our thriving tourism industry in turn provides opportunity for local culinary professionals to share their work with the world.

In this video, famed NOLA restaurant group owner Dickie Brennan, of the Brennan family, talks with us about the culinary scene and cuisine in New Orleans, and the importance of tourism to our city, as well as the New Orleans Culinary and Hospitality Institute, spearheaded by the Brennan family to further solidify New Orleans as a kitchen arts career destination.

Check out more videos about our wonderful city and the importance of our tourism industry on the NEW ORLEANS WILL YouTube channel.