Hurricane season officially started June 1, meaning it’s incredibly important to have the items you need and plans in place in the event of an evacuation. Read on for ways you can be prepared during hurricane season. Share it with your friends, family, and loved ones – New Orleans will stay safe!

Now is the time to prepare for hurricanes. (Photo courtesy NOLA Ready on Facebook)
Build a Disaster Supplies Kit
Head to – the local resource for hurricane preparedness – for all the information you need before, during, and after a storm. Remember that your home should have a disaster supplies kit on hand in the event of an emergency, not just a hurricane. The kit should include enough food, water, and supplies to last you at least 72 hours. Plan to include non-perishable food items, water bottles, basic medical supplies, cash and hygiene products in a secure, transportable container like a sturdy duffel bag or plastic bin.
Equip Your Car
If you have a car, now’s the time to take it to the shop for a basic check up: get your oil changed, check all tire pressure, replace worn-out wiper blades, etc. You can place additional supplies to have on hand in the trunk of your car, be it water bottles, non-perishable foods, or a first-aid kit.
Create a Communications Plan
In the event your family becomes separated, it’s important to have a communications plan in place. suggests appointing a friend or relative who lives in a different state as a main point of contact for all family members to call and notify they are safe. Make sure each and every family member knows the number (by heart!) of your designated contact person.
Prep Your Pets
If you have pets, you’ll need to consider a plan for them in the event of a hurricane, too. Plan to take your pets with you when you evacuate: they will be unable to fend for themselves if you leave them outdoors or even indoors in the event of flooding. As reminds us, “your pets’ survival during a disaster largely depends on advance emergency planning you do today.” Just as you would your own supplies, collect pet-appropriate supplies and set them aside for an evacuation. And remember, pets will need to be up-to-date on all vaccinations in order to be boarded or stay at a pet-approved hotel. Plan a vet appointment and make copies of all immunization records.
Stay Up to Date Online and On Social Media is the best local resource for keeping abreast of safety information during hurricane season. Their Hurricane Preparedness Portal offers a visual reminder of all the things we need to do before, during, and after a storm to stay safe and healthy. Follow @NOLAready on Twitter for all the latest information.